14° Grand Elect Mason
13° Master of the Ninth Arch
12° Master of Mercy

11° Sublime Master Elected
10° Master Elect
9° Master of the Temple
8° Intendant of the Building
7° Provost and Judge
6° Master of the Brazen Serpent
5° Perfect Master
4° Master Traveler

In 1767 Bro. Henry Francken had been deputized by Bro. Stephen Morin to organize a Lodge of Perfection in Albany, NY.  This was the forerunner of what was to become the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in the United States.  During the Colonial Period, other deputies appointed by Morin, organized Masonic groups which conferred the advanced degrees at other important points along the Atlantic seaboard.

The Lodge of Perfection is one of four coordinate divisions that exist in Scottish Rite.  The presiding officer is called the Thrice Potent Master.  The degrees that are performed are known as the Ineffable Degrees and are composed of eleven lessons or "degrees" (4° - 14°).  In these eleven lessons, the candidate will observe many references, scenes and characters which recall and amplify the three Symbolic degrees. 

In formal ritual and in drama, ten of these degrees, based upon legends of the Solomonic era, elaborate upon the teachings of Symbolic Freemasonry and apply them to practical situations that are faced in everyday life. The Fourteenth degree summarizes what has been taught and is a moral and philosophical climax.

Important practical lessons are taught in the eleven Ineffable Degrees - Secrecy and Silence in all confidential relationships; Respect for a Brother's memory, The duty of healing distensions; Justice and Mercy in judging others; Fair dealing in business by Management and Labor; The peril of excessive zeal even in a good cause; The honest collection of taxes based upon a just assessment; The mastery of difficulties and dangers in our progress toward Perfection; The honor of Freemasonry is in the keeping of those who seek Perfection in character and who reverence the Ineffable Name of God.

The Lodge of Perfection is not only the beginning of your journey, it is here that the spirit of the Valley is embedded into its members.  The brotherly love and fraternal spirit is felt here by all who participate.  Many have heard during their Masonic meetings the phrase that has come to symbolize pride, success, and quality of our work: L.O.P.  The phrase or motto that is chanted during rehearsals, before and after dramas is used to signify that our works are good.